Wednesday, September 3, 2008

October 13 - The Prayer Journey (Jehovah Rapha)

Monday, October 13, 6:30 pm, New Life Assembly of God, Pierre, SD 57501 - Pierre Community Aglow:

Barbara Roos presents "The Prayer Journey" at New Life Assembly of God, 1120 N. Harrison, Pierre, SD (In conjunction with Jehovah Rapha monthly Healing Emphasis meeting). All are welcome. Childcare will be provided.

The Prayer Journey is a journey to a personal relationship with Christ, and will take place at the Jehovah Rapha (The Lord My Healer) monthly healing emphasis meeting at New Life Assembly of God in Pierre, SD.

For more information, click 'Comments' and leave your email address and inquiry.

Oct 25, 2008 -- Nov 01, 2008 Mission Wounded Knee/Jonathan Maracle and Broken Walls Ministry Tour

Pierre Aglow is partnering with Mission Wounded Knee in Frontenac, KS, to bring Jonathan and Maracle and Broken Walls and a team of volunteers to South Dakota for a concert and ministry tour to prisons and reservations.

Broken Walls is a unique music group that incorporates sounds from theirFirst Nation heritage within a contemporary setting. Their recordings are diverse in sound, but common in theme.You will hear First Nations flute, Native drums, and also the sound of a full 3 or 4 piece band. You will also hear a message of hope and restoration as they sing their songs for the Father of Life. For more information, their website is .

To quote Bruce Bartelli in the Mission Wounded Knee February 2008 newsletter, "Though I do not carry the anointing in Christ centered music, I do know who is a literal musical instrument in God's hands; Jonathan, Kris and Bill. For this MWK journey we are sensing 'The Lord looking down from his sanctuary and releasing the prisoners' through Broken Walls music."

"In the United States prison system the national ratio of hte total prison population who are Native American is just under 2.0%. In South Dakota, however, the Native ratio of prisoners is 27% for men and 39% for women. These are fathers and mothers who are desperately seeking to be right for their children. Jonathan and Broken Walls have a prophetic mandate to restore the heart of the father to Native sons and daughters. Now you can help send them to those 'hid in prison houses'. To give the prisoners hope for a freedom they may have never known before in their lies. By financially helping Jonathan, Kris and Bill to do their concerts in prisons you are declaring to the heavens, 'Restore!' and proclaiming, 'Deliver!' "

The tour will require funds in excess of $10,000 (in mid-August about $7000 had been raised). Please send your donations to: Mission Wounded Knee, 408 Ridgewood, Frontenac, KS 66763.

Oct 25, 2008 -- Nov 01, 2008
South Dakota Prison Ministry/Rosebud & Pine Ridge Rez Tour -->sponsored by Mission Wounded Knee
Contact: Bruce Bartelli (620) 875-6200

Saturday, October 25th
Mike Durfee Men's Prison, Spingfield, SD
Concert 1:30-3:30pm

Sunday, October 26th
South Dakota Men's State Peniteniary, Sioux Falls, SD
Concert 1:00-3:00pm

Monday, October 27th
Travel to Rosebud Reservation...Prayer Gathering
6:30 pm, The Carpenters Shop, Mission, SD

Tuesday, October 28th
Broken Walls School Assembly (10:30 am), Rosebud Reservation Concert at Sinte Gleska University, Mission, SD
Concert Time: 6:30pm

Wednesday, October 29th
Pine Ridge Rez Evening Concert, at Re-Creation Center-Pastor Eric Sutton, Oglala, SD
Concert Time: 6:30pm

Thursday, October 30th
Evening Concert, at 555 Ministry Complex downtown Whiteclay, Nebraska
Concert Time: 6:30pm

Friday, October 31stTravel to Pierre, SD
Praise and Intercession, Wakpa Sica Reconciliation Place (, Highway 1806, Ft. Pierre, SD 57532
Time: 6:30 pm

Saturday, November 1st
South Dakota Women's Prison, Pierre, SD
Concert Time: 1:30-3:30pm

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 18 - Pierre Aglow Home Meeting

Thursday, September 18, 2008, 6:30 pm ) - 6:30 pm, 1917 Flag Mountain Drive, Pierre, SD 57501. (605-224-2027 for more information.) An intimate home setting with Carla Reed, minister and musician. Carla Reed is the founder and director of Selah Ministries and travels as a speaker and musician across America. She is a licensed, ordained minister, holding credentials with Gospel Crusade Ministerial Fellowship based in Bradenton, FL, and founded by Dr. Gerald Derstine. She is also a ministry associate of Calvary Pentecostal Campground in Ashland, VA, having been mentored and ordained by the late Ruth Ward Heflin. She is a member of the International Healing Rooms Association, based in Spokane, WA and has a great desire to see people healed and delivered in every area of their lives.

There is sometimes a question about whether men are welcome at Aglow. With Pierre Aglow, our policy is that women and men are all welcome unless it is specifically stated otherwise. Childcare will be available.

Carla will be coming through Pierre on her journey to Eastport, Maine.

To quote Carla: "Last month, I shared with you that I felt the Lord was speaking to me about going to Eastport, Maine. This is the far northern and easternmost city of our nation and the fourth corner of the country for me to stand and pray on the shores and pour out the waters." This trip seems to be a culmination of "intercession over America that started in 2000 when I [Carla] began collecting and praying over the waters of our country. Not really sure why I was doing it, except that it gave us a prophetic picture of the unity of streams coming together in one mighty flow."

Please come to bless Carla and to be blessed as part of what the Lord is doing in our time!

View Carla's website at; her CD's are available for purchase there, and she will have them with her as well.

Welcome to PierreAglow!

Welcome to Pierre Aglow in Pierre, SD! We are affiliated with Aglow International ( and are part of the U. S. Great Plains Rocky Mountain Region of Aglow under U. S. Director Sande Lofberg (; and the West River Area Board (Ruth Dotson).

Our local group sponsors ministry at the South Dakota Women's Prison each month. We lead praise and worship, bring in a special speaker or ministry team, and have personal prayer with our Aglow friends in the SDWP. We also come alongside the prison Chaplain, Pastor Michele Bradley and the Church of Hope congregation there.

In the past two years we've arranged several local meetings in the community to meet these goals:

  • Witness to what the Lord is doing on the earth

  • Minister to spiritual needs in our community

  • Model unity among Christians

  • Support this prison ministry and those who travel long distances to minister there

Please post your comments, prayer requests, and praise reports and drop by this blog often!