Monday, February 21, 2011


                            burning                     e PIERRE AGLOW NEWSLETTER NO. 1, JANUARY 2011

Aglow’s theme verse is Romans 12:11 “Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.”

Welcome, as we share the warmth of the Holy Spirit and our friendship with the Lord and each other in this, our first ever newsletter issue!

A reliable source (my husband Merlyn) assures us that this has way too many words. Don’t give up – we’ll try to break it up into manageable chunks. Please take it in small amounts, a paragraph or a page at a time.


“BURNING” will include a regular feature with an important prophetic word that will be encouraging to you. This month, Bill Yount’s word for “God’s treasures who are locked up” appears on pages 3-4.

Are you a ‘forerunner’? The first one in your family or your cellblock to turn your heart to Jesus? Mike Bickle outlines the first of seven commitments of a forerunner on page 2.

time to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3:4)

I always do my exercises regularly in the morning. Immediately after waking I sternly say to myself, "Ready, now. Up. Down. Up. Down." And after two strenuous minutes I tell myself, "Okay, now try the other eyelid. "
Forever, written by Chris Tomlin and performed by Michael W. Smith

Give thanks to the Lord,
Our God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good, He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise

With a mighty hand and outstretched arm
His love endures forever
For the life that's been reborn
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise

Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
Forever and ever, forever (2X)

From the rising to the setting sun
His love endures forever
By the grace of God we will carry on
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
CCLI No. 40894

Commitment One: from ‘Seven Commitments of a Forerunner’
Mike Bickle, International House of Prayer

[You, too, can commit to the ‘forerunner’ ministry. In the next months, we’ll publish the remaining six ‘Commitments.’ - Pierre Aglow]

“God is beginning to prepare forerunners from many different streams in the Body of Christ worldwide. These forerunners will function in many different ways. They include those called as evangelists, pastors, teachers, media missionaries, artists, singers, musicians, actors, writers, and those in the marketplace. Many will focus on making disciples by leading small groups in their church, university, or workplace. Some homeschooling moms are effective forerunners, teaching their children about Jesus’ second coming and its implications. The forerunner ministry is not reserved for some elite group—it is a calling available to any who are willing to prepare for it. --Forerunners Proclaiming the Coming of Jesus


A. Prayer has different expressions, such as devotional prayer (includes prayer-reading the Word and fellowshipping with the

Spirit to grow in intimacy with God), intercession for revival and justice, providing prayer covering for individuals, and praying for the sick. By praying in these different ways, we can encounter God, do the works of the kingdom, and change the world.

B. A consistent prayer life is essential to the forerunner ministry – only through a lifestyle of prayer can we receive the fullness of what God has provided for us. Prayer is essential, because it causes our spirits to be energized, releases God’s blessing on our circumstances, and results in real changes in the Church, the nations, and society.

C. Prayer connects us with God. It empowers us to love God (first commandment), causing us to overflow in love for others (second commandment). We love others better as we encounter God.

D. We can strengthen our prayer life in three ways: set a schedule for regular prayer times, make a prayer list, and have a right view of God. A schedule establishes “when” we will pray. A prayer list gives us focus on“what” to pray. A right view of God causes us to “want” to pray.

E. I use several prayer lists: [Below, a list of prayer points from the word F-E-L-L-O-W-S-H-I-P.]:

F - Fear of God: Father, release the spirit of the fear of God into my heart (Ps. 86:11)

E - Endurance (perseverance): Strengthen my spirit with endurance to do Your will (Col. 1:11)

L - Love: Father, pour out Your love into my heart (Phil. 1:9)

L - Light of glory: Father, let me see the light of Your glory (Acts 22:6-11; Ex. 33:18; Ps. 4:6)

O - One thing life focus: I choose to be a person of one thing, who sits at Your feet (Ps. 27:4)

W - Count me worthy: Strengthen me to have a worthy response to God in my life (2 Thes. 1:11)

S - Speech: Father, set a guard over my lips and free me from sinful speech (Eph. 4:29; Ps. 141:3)

H - Humility: Jesus, I want to learn from You how to walk in lowliness (Mt. 11:29)

I - Insight unto intimacy (wisdom): Give me insight into Your Word, will, and ways (Col. 1:9)

P - Peace and Joy: Strengthen my heart with peace and joy that overpower fear (Phil. 4:7)
Dec 22, 2001
-- A Word to the Church by Bill Yount, Hagerstown, MD Bill's email:

It was late and I was tired, wanting to go to sleep, but God wanted to talk; it was about midnight, but it dawned on me that God does not sleep. His question made me restless. "Bill, where on earth does man keep his most priceless treasures and valuables?" I said, "Lord, usually these treasures like gold, silver, diamonds and precious jewels are kept locked up somewhere out of sight with usually guards and security to keep them under lock and key."

God spoke. “Like man, My most valuable treasures on earth are also locked up."




I then saw Jesus standing in front of seemingly thousands of prisons and jails. The Lord said, "These have almost been destroyed by the enemy, but these ones have the greatest potential to be used and to bring forth glory to my name. Tell MY people, I am going this hour to the prisons to activate the gifts and callings that lie dormant in these lives that were given before the foundation of the earth. Out from these walls will come forth an Army of spiritual giants who will have power to literally kick down the gates of Hell and overcome satanic powers that are holding many of My own people bound in My own house.




Tell my people that great treasure is behind these walls in these forgotten vessels. My people must come forth and touch these ones, for a mighty anointing will be unleashed upon these for future victory in My kingdom. THEY MUST BE RESTORED." I then saw the Lord step up to the prison doors with a key. One key fit every lock and the gates began to open. I then heard and saw great explosions which sounded like dynamite going off behind the walls. It sounded like all-out spiritual warfare. Jesus turned and said, "Tell My people to go in now and pick up the spoil and rescue these." Jesus then began walking in and touching inmates who were thronging Him. Many being touched instantly began to have a golden glow come over them. God spoke to me, "THERE'S THE GOLD!" Others had a silver glow around them. God said, "THERE'S THE SILVER!"




Like slow motion they began to grow into what appeared to be giant knights in armor-like warriors. They had on the entire armor of God and every piece was solid and pure gold! Even golden shields! When I saw the golden shields, I heard God say to these warriors: "Now go and take what Satan has taught you and use it against him. Go and pull down the strongholds coming against MY church." The spiritual giants then started stepping over the prison walls with no one to resist them, and they went immediately to the very front line of the battle with the enemy. I saw them walk right past the church as big-name ministers known for their power with God were surpassed by the giant warriors like David going after Goliath! They crossed the enemy's line and started delivering many of God's people from the clutches of Satan while demons trembled and fled out of sight at their presence.




No one, not even the church, seemed to know who these spiritual giants were or where they came from. All you could see was the armor, the golden armor of God, from head to foot, and the shields of gold were there. The shields were restored to God's House and there was great victory and rejoicing. I also saw silver, precious treasures, and vessels being brought in. Beneath the gold and silver were the people that nobody knew: REJECTS OF SOCIETY, STREET PEOPLE, THE OUTCASTS, THE POOR and the DESPISED. These were the treasures that were missing from His House.

In closing the Lord said, "If my people want to know where they are needed, tell them they are needed in the STREETS, the HOSPITALS, the MISSIONS, and PRISONS. When they come there they will find Me and the next move of my Spirit and they will be judged by My Word in Matthew 25:42. "For I was hungry and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty and you gave me no drink: I was a stranger and you took me not in: naked and you clothes me not: Sick and in prison and you visited me not."

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep ElijahList website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.

ElijahList Publications

310 2nd Ave SE,

Albany, OR 97321


Phone 1-541-926-3250

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