Friday, April 6, 2012

Meeting in Homes - What a (Biblical) Concept!

Pierre Aglow hosted a local 'home meeting' on March 24, to make sure we got the most from Nancy Bartel and Sharon Owen in addition to their weekend of ministry at the prison. Every time we host a home meeting, we are sold again on them again. It was so fulfilling - wonderful attendance, worship, fellowship and ministry. 

 Donna Chopper ministers to Nancy Bartel.

Altar Time

Ministry and worship at the close of the meeting.

We have sometimes been uncertain about hosting a home meeting, but were encouraged to read this the next day:

Chuck Pierce in “Time to Defeat the Devil”, p. 3-4, in the section ‘Believe That You Can and You Will’:

"…In this season we must rehearse the Word. What revelation has come to you? That is what you use to war in the world around you. We must meditate on what God says until the power of that revelation enters our bloodstream and cell structure.

We also must learn to worship and minister in our homes. Doing so will allow our gifts to be activated in a new way in small groups. When the time comes that we are not free to worship publicly in our church buildings, we will already know how to continue worshiping in our homes….”


Pierre Aglow Prison Ministry is hosting the Father's Heart Retreat with Jeff and Autumn Mann on April 13 and 14. If you would like to donate via Paypal toward this event or other prison ministry needs, please click here: Pierre Aglow Prison Ministry Paypal .

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