Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sunday December 28 - Aglow at the Prison and Update

This month, our Aglow group will share the Louie Giglio video, "How Great is Our God", which is a moving and inspiring discussion of the universe and our (very small) place in it. Here's a link for part of the video .

When we called the distributor for permission to present it at the prison, they were extremely gracious and indicated that we could show it wherever we want, whenever we want, with only the caveat that we not make copies of it (as of course we would never do). Our team members from River Center Church in Pierre will lead us in worship before and after the video.

Pierre Prison Aglow has several new members - Betty Winkler, who will be eligible to join us this month, as well as Sunny Holloway and Joel Pfeifle whose paperwork was not filed in time for this month's event.

Pierre Aglow is coming alongside a group to plan a First Nations retreat, to be held March 6-7 at New Life Assembly, 1120 N. Harrison, Pierre, SD 57501. The event will be open to all, an opportunity to value and celebrate our fellow believers who preceded us in loving this land. Information will be posted, emailed, and mailed soon. Please email if you'd like to be added to the mailing or email lists.

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